Tuesday, April 26, 2011

something new!?

have you noticed how excited dogs get when you buy something new for them? sometimes they make me feel like I suppose to buy something for them every time I go to the store, LOL its true. Couple of days ago I went to hobby lobby, Do you guys remember the basket I bought for my bike? well I had to make a little pillow so it will be more comfortable for NenoMozoo. I was walking around the store when I saw this bandannas... BANDANNAS!!!!!??? YES!!!! and guess what? I bought one for brownie, since he's a little dog a normal bandanna is too big for him so I had to cut it in four parts and everyone got one yaaaaaaaaaaaay. 

Here's NenoMozoo with his new look!!! HOW YOU DOIN!!!? 
Like I said I cut it in four sections, and it still looks kinda big on him but he looks cute .

Here's a picture of NenoMozoo & woofy!!!!! 
HOW YOU DOIN!!!!? hahaha
well having not much to say I just want it to share this pictures because they look hilarious . 
P.S. the bandannas were to small for woofy so I had to use a pin to hold it on. (hes a fatty)

with new bandannas & fighting for bones hugs & licks  from this boys ^_^

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