I dont know if this ever happen to you, but i have gain weight and i just feel no motivation to do exercise or to change my eating habits, its like... you get so comfortable eating bad stuff that you just dont want to stop....
EXAMPLE: It's like when nenomozoo seat on my lap and he doesn't wanna get up (horrible.. , he thinks i have all his freaking time)
SOLUTION: (for my fattiness, not for nenomozoo sleeping on my lap) heehee
yes a basket thats all i need to get in shape (& my bicycle & nenomozoo)
i dont really wanna ride my bike all alone,( i dont wanna be singing "all by myself... dont wanna be" something like that) so this basket will provide company.
Here's the thing you attach this basket to your bike, and as you can see in the picture, you can put your groceries in there (like i live in paris!!! LOL) instead of groceries i'll put nenomozoo in there!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaay for me & my basket....... im gonna start loosing weight very soon.
All thanks to mozo,my bike & my husband who bought me the basket!!!!!!
P.S. if you want one of this basket (they sell them at walmart here's a link)
P.S.S..... it's cheaper if you buy it in the store, mine was only $15 dollarsgrowls & thoughts of (i wanna eat your chips)
from nenoMozoo
Hah if only they made a basket big enough to carry me on a bike :D