Tuesday, April 26, 2011

something new!?

have you noticed how excited dogs get when you buy something new for them? sometimes they make me feel like I suppose to buy something for them every time I go to the store, LOL its true. Couple of days ago I went to hobby lobby, Do you guys remember the basket I bought for my bike? well I had to make a little pillow so it will be more comfortable for NenoMozoo. I was walking around the store when I saw this bandannas... BANDANNAS!!!!!??? YES!!!! and guess what? I bought one for brownie, since he's a little dog a normal bandanna is too big for him so I had to cut it in four parts and everyone got one yaaaaaaaaaaaay. 

Here's NenoMozoo with his new look!!! HOW YOU DOIN!!!? 
Like I said I cut it in four sections, and it still looks kinda big on him but he looks cute .

Here's a picture of NenoMozoo & woofy!!!!! 
HOW YOU DOIN!!!!? hahaha
well having not much to say I just want it to share this pictures because they look hilarious . 
P.S. the bandannas were to small for woofy so I had to use a pin to hold it on. (hes a fatty)

with new bandannas & fighting for bones hugs & licks  from this boys ^_^

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This crazy Neno & his ridiculous way of asking for attention.

Yep that is me and NenoMozoo, he wont let me write my presentation.

i was trying to study for so long but mozoo wont stop bothering me!!!! WHY??? simple.... nenomozoo is the most needy pet i ever had (except for a cat that would bite my heel if she was hungry, now that was painful!!!! ok back to neno) so i picked him up and put him on the bed. After that he wont stop putting his neck on my face, i could still see with one eye so i kept on writing but he didnt stop there!!!! he decided to lay down on my paper WHEN THE REST OF THE BED WAS EMPTY. Can i still write? a little, not much, but i didnt move because my husband thought it was funny what mozo was doing. so he took this picture!!!! 

This is how my paper look LOL nenomozoo looks funny HE WAS GIVING ME AN EYE like "im here can you see me?" of course i can you silly mozo!!!!!!!! He's always bothering me, and this is just a picture i should record a video, but neno its not dumb whenever he sees  my phone aiming at him he stops misbehaving (kinda smart of him LOL) even though he's always bothering me i love him with all my heart, i dont really know what i would do without my nenomozoo.

At the end of the day im sooo freaking annoyed by him, (just ask my husband.... well you dont him.... either way... trust me....   o.O   )    but before we go to sleep i hold him, and give him kisses for being with me and dealing with the crazy mood he puts me on. 

good night everyone..... licks & kisses from:
nenomozoo & I . 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

nenomozoo & my fattiness

I dont know if this ever happen to you, but i have gain weight and i just feel no motivation to do exercise or to change my eating habits, its like... you get so comfortable eating bad stuff that you just dont want to stop....

       EXAMPLE: It's like when nenomozoo seat on my lap and he doesn't wanna get up (horrible.. , he thinks i have all his freaking time) 

        SOLUTION: (for my fattiness, not for nenomozoo sleeping on my lap) heehee 
yes a basket thats all i need to get in shape (& my bicycle & nenomozoo)
i dont really wanna ride my bike all alone,( i dont wanna be singing "all by myself... dont wanna be" something like that) so this basket will provide company.

Here's the thing you attach this basket to your bike, and as you can see in the picture, you can put your groceries in there (like i live in paris!!! LOL) instead of groceries i'll put nenomozoo in there!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaay for me & my basket....... im  gonna start loosing weight very soon. 
All thanks to mozo,my bike & my husband who bought me the basket!!!!!! 

P.S. if you want one of this basket (they sell them at walmart here's a link)
                           P.S.S..... it's cheaper if you buy it in the store, mine was only $15 dollars

growls & thoughts of (i wanna eat your chips) 
from nenoMozoo 

Monday, April 18, 2011

This is my first blog!

     It all started by me saying "IM BORED" so after discussing so many ideas of the things i could do in my spare time, my husband came out with the idea of blogging about my dog. so here i am 
                                             Who is NenoMozoo
Nenomozoo is my lovely chihuahua hes two years old, and hes always bothering the crap out of me.

This is a picture of him when i first got him!!!! & for some reason since the first day he was determined to bother me hahahaha. 
                                            P.S. his name is not nenomozoo his real name is brownie!!! but we call him nenomozoo because my mom came up with that name & we thought it was funny & it is! ^_^

                                             This is us now!! .... 

until the next time licks , scratches from nenomozoo